KiwiBank Account:
Public donations made our High Court proceedings possible. But the fight is not over, the support we receive from everyday New Zealanders keep us in the battle for water sovereignty.
Your contribution is how we keep going.
Aotearoa Water Action
For the People. For the Planet. For the Future.

Give Online
Please login to your online bank or by using your smartphone app – you can make an donation directly into the Aotearoa Water Action Incorporated bank account:
Kiwibank Account:
With Cash
The easiest way to make a cash donation is to attend our events and monthly volunteer meetings.
You can keep up to date on our Facebook page for when our next events and meetings will be.
Looking forward to seeing you!
By Cheque
Aotearoa Water Action Inc.
PO BOX 24-111
Christchurch, 8642